Your Opportunity To Vote For Israel’s Future
As Jews living in the diaspora, we spend a lot of time thinking about and supporting Israel from afar. But every five years, we have a chance to make an actual difference, and to assert our influence in our Jewish homeland through participation in the elections for the World Zionist Congress . At this pivotal moment in Israel’s history, it’s critical that our voices as American Jews who care about Israel’s future are heard. The World Zionist Congress (WZC), founded by Theodore Herzl in 1897, is the only democratic body with representatives from all of world Jewry. In these elections, Diaspora Jews like us not only have a voice, but a vote! The World Zionist Congress (WZC) is an international body made up of Jews and Jewish organizations from Israel and throughout the world. It determines the priorities and policies of the four so-called “National Institutions” under its auspices: the World Zionist Organization (WZO), The Jewish National Fund, The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAF...