Remembering the Tree of Life Synagogue Tragedy on its Third Anniversary
These are the remarks that I delivered to the community at a special memorial service to honor the victims of the murderous attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue on October 28. 2018. Thank you for coming this evening, for prayer, for reflection, for gathering in solidarity with the Jewish Community of Pittsburgh, and with good people everywhere. We welcome all of you the JCCP/CBT this evening, members of our congregations from throughout Bergen County, distinguished Rabbis, and honored guests, and especially so many of our elected officials and members of the law enforcement community who are joining us tonight. I want to say to you that despite the rising tide of hate crimes in our great nation in general, and the staggering increase in hate crimes directed directly towards the Jewish community in particular, your presence here this evening is a reminder to all that whatever threats are before us, we do not face them alone. We will always remem...