The Curious Case of Rabbi Steven Leder
Earlier this week, Women's Day magazine appointed its first-ever rabbi-in-residence, Rabbi Steven Leder of California. He will write periodically about items of Jewish interest. Women's Day reaches 20 million readers each month through its print edition and online presence . That’s quite an audience. What could be wrong with that? Rabbi Leder, while certainly not a household name, is among America’s most successful Rabbis. As the long time Senior Rabbi of the Wilshire Temple in Los Angeles, one of the largest Reform synagogues in America, he leads a synagogue of 2400 families, 3 different campuses, and recently concluded a multi-year capital campaign that raised over $200 million. That's right - $200 million. I may not have liked those "Top Rabbi's in America" lists that Newsweek magazine published several years ago (maybe because my name wasn't on it?) but there was a reason why Rabbi Leder's was included. He earned it! By the way, did ...