
Showing posts from December, 2022

Jerusalem, We Have A Problem

This Shabbat message is a particularly hard one for me to write. Yet if I did not share these thoughts with you, I believe I would have failed in my responsibilities. Yesterday, Israel's new government under the leadership of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was sworn into office. And with it, we are about to enter a crisis between the new government of Israel and the American Jewish community, one that could potentially make previous periods of tension look almost silly by comparison. Interestingly, despite the differences in political outlook and culture which always complicate Israel - Diaspora relations, few if any questioned previous governments or prime minister’s commitment to the State of Israel, or its democratic traditions and institutions. And indeed, despite concerns about the members of previous governing coalitions, each of these governments had some pretty impressive achievements to their credit. Those governments always demonstrated respect for the American...

Zelensky the Maccabee

As a rule, I tend to frown on making direct comparisons between our current political realities and great events from our Jewish heritage. Obviously, there are often parallels between moments in history and our ancient sources. We know that the leaders of the American civil rights movement drew inspiration and courage from the story of the exodus from Egypt. We know that the Puritans saw themselves as a latter-day version of the ancient Israelites, setting out on a dangerous journey to settle a new promised land. Indeed, the various ways that Chanukah have been explained and even understood by the American Jewish community has transformed an ancient revolt against foreign rule into a ringing affirmation of American values of freedom, liberty and independence. Yet sometimes such comparisons are warranted.   We are living through one of those moments right now. Since last February I have devoted several Shabbat messages and sermons to Russia's illegal and immoral invasion of ...

Watch This Two Minute Chanukah Video

There is no shortage of Chanukah videos on the internet.   Move over December Dilemma! Whether serious or funny, charming, or somewhat risqué, these videos make bold, amusing and even passionate statements about Chanukah, and highlight its significance in the American landscape. Among my recent favorites are: ·         Smokey Robinson mispronouncing Chanukah. ·         Saturday Night Live parodying Smokey Robinson mispronouncing Chanukah. ·         Jewish a cappella sensation Six13 channeling their inner Elton John . ·         Or their inner Queen (RIP Freddy Mercury). ·         For children, there is this classic Sesame Street clip. There's the one that got the whole Chanukah video movement started, Adam Sandler singing The Chanukah Song on Saturday Night Live 28 years ago. ...

Brittney Griner is Free: Now What?

Yesterday morning, Americans woke up to the welcome news that Brittany Griner was returning home after 294 days in Russian captivity. For those who may not recall all the details , Ms. Griner, one of the WNBA's top players and a two-time Olympic gold medalist, was arrested in Russia last February with a small amount of illegal drug paraphernalia, subjected to a show trial designed to demonstrate American weakness and extract maximum concessions from the Biden administration, and ultimately sentenced to 9 years in a Russian prison camp.   Her release highlighted the painstaking diplomatic efforts of the State Department, the public campaign for her freedom waged by her family and others, as well as irresponsible statements that blamed her continued incarceration on her race, gender and sexual orientation.   Sadly, too much of the coverage of this case ignored the larger geopolitical forces that led to her unlawful imprisonment in the first place. Let me say clearly and un...