Remember the Jews of Ukraine
Today marks the first anniversary of Russia's brutal, immoral and illegal invasion of Ukraine. Last year I wrote a Shabbat message about Ukraine on the second day of the war. I have devoted several Shabbat messages to the war, its implications for Israel, the world Jewish community as well as asking for donations to outstanding Jewish organizations who are on the front lines providing all types of services to Ukraine's Jews as well as the general public. On this first anniversary, it’s time for us to remember the Jews of Ukraine and to dig deep on their behalf again. Yesterday, I participated in a meeting sponsored by the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) for Rabbis and communal leaders to give us an update on relief efforts. The presentation was as inspiring as it was sad. You may know that Ukraine has one of the world's largest Jewish communities. What is less known is that it is among the most impoverished. That was so even before Russia's invasion last y...