
Showing posts from March, 2023

Was this the most tumultuous week in Israel’s 75-year history?

Was this the most tumultuous week in Israel’s 75-year history? Historians will ultimately make that determination, but there can be no doubt that this week Israel faced its greatest domestic crisis and it is not over yet. As you are likely aware, the current government of Israel is the most right-wing government in Israel’s history. I have written to the congregation several times about my concerns about the makeup of this government coalition, especially my concerns about several truly awful people who are key ministers in the government and their potential to undermine Israel’s relationship with its key allies, most importantly, the United States.   Yet the crisis that has sent hundreds of thousands of Israelis into the streets over the past several weeks is the attempt by this government to revamp Israel’s judicial system. Since Sunday, Israel has seen some of the largest rallies in its history. Earlier this week, Prime Minister Netanyahu, bowing to pressure from a goodly port...

The Sale of Chametz

Each year, we send the Sale of Chametz forms for you to return to the synagogue. There was a link to the synagogue website where you can download the forms in the Passover information email we sent to the community on Wednesday.   You can also find the direct link here. They will be mailed to congregation as part of a large Passover mailing that will be sent to the membership next week.   I am also attaching the form to the bottom of this week’s Shabbat message as well.   Today, I want to make sure that everyone understands what this mitzvah is all about, and why it is so important.     And I want you sell your chametz soon! Passover is far more than eating matzah, and buying special foods.   We are commanded to literally remove all chametz, (leavened products) from our homes.   In the past, this was relatively easy.   Until several generations ago, people rarely kept significant quantities of food in their homes.   Food production was ...

A Purim Letter to our College Students

A member of the congregation came in the office earlier this week as I was working on my annual Purim letter to our synagogue’s college students.   She was surprised (and delighted) to learn that the JCCP/CBT sends packages and mailings to our college population several times a year. She was interested to know about the letter I send them.   So I gave her a copy to read.   After reading it, she told me, “Rabbi: that would make a good Shabbat message.   You should share it with the congregation.” So here goes! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear College Students, On behalf of the Jewish Community Center of Paramus/Congregation Beth Tikvah, let me wish you a Happy Purim.   I hope that this Purim mailing finds you healthy, happy, and enjoying your college experience. As you well know, Purim is a holiday characterized by behaviors, antics, and observances that seem almost silly.   Dressing in costum...