Will You Donate 5 Minutes to Help Israel?
There is a story about a world-famous musician, riding in a taxi in New York City, telling the driver about his career. The driver said to the musician, “I would give anything to be able to play a musical instrument like you.” To which the musician replied, “would you be willing to give six hours a day?” There are many versions of this story but the message is always the same. Good intentions don’t achieve goals. Only hard work and constant effort will accomplish them. In the aftermath of the massive National Rally for Israel last week, many have been asking: what’s next? What should we do now to help Israel? Certainly, we need to stay informed, and continue to donate to the many outstanding organizations that are doing such amazing work in Israel. What else can we do? The answer is clear. We must do a better job of connecting regularly with our elected officials, and explaining that we are part of the pro-Israel community and we vote. They both want and need to he...