
Showing posts from March, 2024

Why Would Anyone Attack A Hospital?

On March 19th, Israel began a multi-day attack on Shifa Hospital, one of the largest hospitals in the Gaza strip. As you might imagine, many observers quickly criticized Israel for this. After all, why would anyone attack a hospital? Why indeed. Since the war began on October 7th, Israel has been placed in the terrible position of fighting against a terrorist organization who’s very charter not only calls for the eradication of the state of Israel, but the murder of Jews as well. For the 17 years that Hamas has (for lack of a better term) ruled the Gaza strip, it has built a terrorist army with tens of thousands of fighters, constructed hundreds of miles of tunnels, deliberately choosing to build them under schools, hospitals, and even under the headquarters of various international organizations including United Nations facilities. It has siphoned off or outright stolen at least 60% of international aid that has flowed into Gaza. It has initiated five major conflicts with ...