May is Jewish American Heritage Month
May has been a busy month at the JCCP/CBT. We observed Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial Day), and celebrated Yom Ha’atzma’ut , (Israel Independence Day). We celebrated two wonderful Bnai Mitzvah , enjoyed several successful events in the synagogue, said farewell to our Rabbinic intern Sami Vingron (now Rabbi Sami Vingron!) and mourned with members of the synagogue community who suffered losses. I was in Washington for a conference sponsored by the Zionist Rabbinic Conference (which I wrote about last week ). And if that was not enough, I also oversaw the completion of several Gittin (Jewish divorce proceedings) in my role as a Mesader Gittin (Jewish divorce specialist). I’m one of three dozen rabbis throughout the world authorized to conduct Jewish divorce proceedings for the Conservative Movement. Yes, there is a lot going on. But before the month of May ends, I want to say a few words about Jewish American Heritage Month (JAHM), an op...