Happy Chanukah


Dear JCCP/CBT family
Let me begin by wishing you all a Happy Chanukah.

To help you celebrate Chanukah this year, we have planned several wonderful events for this Saturday night, Monday night, and Tuesday night to help us share the joy of this holiday together as a community (see below for information and links).  Though we will light our Chanukiyot in our homes, the synagogue is still providing a way for us to join together to observe the holiday and strengthen each other in our belief that great events occurred not only in ancient times, to paraphrase the second of the Chanukah candle blessings, but even in our own time as well.

For the Chanukah blessings and songs, please click here.

For a Shabbat message from our rabbinical intern, Samuel Gelman, please click here.

Happy Chanukah and Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Arthur Weiner


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