How to save a life

I am sharing a different type of message with you this Shabbat. I want to tell you about a young man from our congregation, Jonathan Newman, the son of our longtime members, Ed and Lois Newman. Jonathan grew up in Paramus, celebrated his Bar Mitzvah here, and for many years has had the honor of the first ark opening on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Jonathan now 39 years old, has polycystic kidney disease (PKD), a disease that runs in his mother's family. His grandmother and great-grand mother died from this disease. His mother Lois received a kidney from an altruistic donor 6+ years ago) and his uncle (who received a kidney from a cadaver donor 25+ years ago) are healthy and well. Sadly, Jonathan’s condition, which has been monitored for years, is changing, and his doctors anticipate he too will soon need a kidney. Jonathan is an excellent candidate for a kidney transplant. Since PKD is genetic, and not due to an illness (like diabetes), neither he, nor his donor have to worry about a disease attacking his new kidney. Instead, a new kidney will very likely last for the remainder of his life, or at least for many, many years. Jonathan and his wife had IVF (invitro fertilization) with specific genetic testing in order to ensure that their (now 15-month-old) son does not have the disease. Jonathan is the end of the line in his family for this disease. Jonathan is currently on three waiting lists for a new kidney, at Penn Hospital, the hospital of the University of Pennsylvania; Yale-New Haven Hospital and Saint Barnabas Hospital in Livingston, New Jersey. He is also on, a non-profit website that links those seeking organs with potential donors. Jonathan’s parents are doing all they can to raise awareness as they seek a living donor to save his life. If you might know learn more, or have ever considered the possibility of becoming a live donor, his parents and his advocate would like to talk to you. The Newman’s can be reached at 201-255-2939, or you may email them at Jonathan’s advocate, Chaya Lipschutz can be reached at (917) 627-8336 or you may email her at To learn more, please log on to I thank you in advance for your concern, prayers, and action on behalf of Jonathan Newman. Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Arthur Weiner


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