May is Jewish American History Month

As many of you know, I love the study of history, and the study of Jewish history in particular. So, it is with more than just passing interest that I remind you (or inform you, as the case may be!) that May is Jewish American History Month. Each year, by presidential proclamation, our nation recognizes the great contributions that American Jews have made, and continue to make to our country’s history, culture, and society.  

There are a variety of similar commemorative months in the national calendar. Perhaps most famous is African-American history month in February, Women’s History Month in March, and LGBTQ Pride Month in June. What is interesting is that though these other months reflect a particular ethnicity, gender, or background, only Jewish history month recognizes the important role and contributions of a particular religious community to American life.

Jewish American history month, first proclaimed by President George Bush in 2006, has not yet entered into the consciousness of most Americans, even American Jews. Sadly, given the difficult situation in Israel that has dominated our attention all month, we have not had the opportunity to celebrate this event as we normally would in our community.  Yet it is an important event nonetheless. I want you to be aware of it. I hope you will take a few minutes to look at some of the following resources and gain a greater understanding and appreciation of Jewish life in America from 1654 to the present. There is a lot to be proud of.


Shabbat Shalom,


Rabbi Arthur Weiner



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