A Special Birthday


This week, I want to offer a special tribute to Lotte Buff, one of our remaining charter and founding members, as she celebrates her 100th birthday.

Lotte, along with her beloved husband Fred (of blessed memory) were true Jewish pioneers in Paramus.  Along with several other families, they saw the need to build a synagogue in this community, and their hard work, organizing efforts, and vision led to the Jewish Community Center of Paramus being chartered in 1952. For almost 7 decades, Lotte has been a leading personality within our synagogue family and community.  Lotte Buff and the entire Buff family will always be synonymous with tremendous devotion to the JCCP/CBT. There is literally no aspect no the JCCP/CBT that does not reflect their influence, and commitment.

For decades, Lotte was an active member of our Board of Education, and served as president of our APT, (Association of Parents and Teachers)

She was a long-time member of our Board of Trustees

She and Fred were founding members of the Board of Governors, one of our most successful fundraising projects, which has been in existence for over four decades.  The Board of Governors has always sought to provide financial stability so the synagogue could fulfill its mission in the community.

Lotte was an active participant in the religious life of the synagogue.

Lotte and Fred Buff were also deeply concerned with the welfare of the State of Israel, and made Israel a major concern of their considerable efforts and energies.  They were honored by the Israel Development Corporation (Israel Bonds) on numerous occasions, and made commitment to Israel a hallmark of the JCCP/CBT.  Lotte was also a lifetime member of Hadassah.

Her commitment to greater Jewish community was equally impressive.  She was always involved in many Jewish organizations and causes.  She was a volunteer for Jewish Children’s and Family Services, delivering Kosher Meals on Wheels for over 30 years.  And she was part of a dedicated group of members who volunteered at Bergen Pines Hospital (now known as Bergen Regional Medical Center) for over 40 years, who provided religious services for Jewish residents at the Veteran’s Center located there.

Lotte relocated to Maryland several years ago, to be closer to her children.  But her heart will always be in Paramus, concerned for the welfare of this synagogue which she and Fred so lovingly built. I know that the entire community joins me in wishing Lotte a happy birthday, and thanking her for all that she accomplished for us.










  1. On behalf of our mom (Lotte) and the entire extended Buff/Balin family, thank you for this lovely tribute. As you indicated, the JCCP was the center of Jewish life for our parents for many, many years. This centennial milestone is truly amazing when you think of the challenges mom faced in the early part of her life in Germany and emigration to the States. But for those who know her, few will be surprised that she has the fortitude to have made it this far and still be active and engaged. We take great pride in sharing this Shehecheyanu moment with the JCCP/CBT. Gary & Leni Buff, Janice and Robert Balin, Alan and Pat Buff.

    1. Alan,

      Without the foresight of your parents and a few others, we would not have had a second place to call "home" in Paramus. Happy Birthday to Lotte.

      Ruth and Stu Smith


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