Thank you Rabbi Kogen

This Shabbat, Parshat Korach, marks the beginning of Rabbi Avram Kogen’s 12th year of service to the Jewish Community Center of Paramus/Congregation Beth Tikvah. I want to take this opportunity to thank him for his many contributions to the religious life of our congregation. For 11 years he has served as our Torah reader on Shabbat and holidays. Yet in actuality, he does so much more. He leads and officiates our religious services. For several years he has served us as a High Holiday Chazzan. He has taught adult education classes. He is a teacher and a mentor within our community who has bonded with so many of our members and regularly inspires us with his encyclopedic knowledge of Jewish texts, his warm and caring personality, and his great understanding of the needs of our membership. We are grateful for the vital role he assumes at the JCCP/CBT.

Unfortunately, we will not be able to celebrate this anniversary in the synagogue this Shabbat in the way that Rabbi Kogen deserves, as we are not yet able to sponsor a Kiddush luncheon to honor him yet. We look forward to doing so when conditions permit it. Yet I do not want to let this moment pass without acknowledging Rabbi Kogen, and how he enhances the JCCP/CBT each week. Simply put, Rabbi Kogen has made a profound difference in our synagogue. And for that we are profoundly grateful!

God willing, we look forward to many more years together.

Rabbi Arthur Weiner



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