In celebration of Lola and Henry Weber on their 75th Wedding Anniversary

 I want to offer a special tribute and Mazal Tov to one of the JCCP/CBT’s original charter and founding members, Lola and Henry Weber, on the celebration of their 75th wedding anniversary, observed yesterday, September 22, 2021.

I had had the good fortune to offer a tribute to Henry and Lola at the conclusion of our synagogue services yesterday, as they came to celebrate Sukkot in the synagogue that has been such a big part of their lives. Indeed, there is no telling the history of our synagogue without acknowledging their leadership, activism, and influence at every step along the way. 

Today, newcomers to our community see a large and active synagogue, a place to pray, to educate themselves and their children, to socialize, to work on behalf of the State of Israel, all the many functions we have enjoyed for almost 7 decades.  So, it is worth remembering that when many Jews began to leave the cities as part of the shift to the suburbs that followed World War ll, very little of this existed.

Certainly, none existed in Paramus, NJ. Henry and Lola Weber changed that!

Arriving in 1952, Lola and Henry saw the need for a synagogue and strong Jewish communal institutions, and committed themselves to building them.  Along with a handful of other Jewish families who moved to Paramus, who became lifelong friends, the charter members of the synagogue, people like George (A”H) and Irene Reiss, the late Paul and Helen Herman, the late Fran and Al Sobel, Dick (A”H) and Joyce Berlow, the late Doris and George Schoenberg, the late Dr. Sylvan and Lila Hershey, and Fred (A’’H) and Lotte Buff, met and planned and eventually founded the Jewish Community Center of Paramus.  And they have been a vital force for good in the congregation since the very beginning.

Among their many accomplishments:

  • Lola founded our original Board of Education which organized and operated the founding of our original Hebrew school, and was the chair of the original Bar/Bat Mitzvah scheduling committee.
  • Henry was on the building architectural committee which oversaw the purchase of the land on which the synagogue stands, and hired the architect and builders of the original building.
  • Henry was the 5th president of the synagogue, serving from 1957-1959.
  • Henry was the co-chair of our first Israel Bonds campaign, and both Henry and Lola were honored by Israel Bonds several times over the years for the communal leadership and devotion to the State of Israel.
  • The Weber’s were founding members of the Board of Governors. 

Lola and Henry saw a need, and they rose to the challenge.  Each person who will read these words is the recipient of their vision, effort, and generosity.

Their leadership in the Jewish community continues to this day. The Weber’s now live at Brightview Senior Living in Paramus where they lead and coordinate Jewish life and activities for the residents (among whom are many JCCP/CBT members) who live there.

I am honored to celebrate and acknowledge the many contributions that this wonderful family has shared with our Jewish community.  

Lola and Henry, may you be granted good health, and long life.  Mazal Tov on this special anniversary.  May we all be privileged to see you celebrate many more.



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