Let's Continue What We Started


It is always a great honor and pleasure to spend the High Holidays with our synagogue family. Especially with the challenges to communal Jewish life posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, which sadly is still  part of our lives as we begin the new year pf 5782, I was so happy to see so many of our synagogue family at our High Holidays services.  I am also gratified by the great response we have received to the livestream of the services as well.

The High Holidays are the best attended religious services of the year. But the real test of our High Holidays commitments will come this Shabbat. Will we make the changes that will bring greater appreciation of Jewish observance and greater connection with the larger Jewish community? Will we make the effort to attend and strengthen our knowledge and appreciation of our Jewish heritage?  High Holidays serve an important need. But tonight we will observe Shabbat. Will you be with us? This is the time to say yes!

I want to see you in synagogue, or joining on us on zoom or livestream more often throughout the New Year. Let's continue what we started together on the High Holidays. I believe with all my heart that your participation will add strength and vitality to our communal religious life, and to your appreciation of your Jewish identity. 

L’shana Tovah - Happy New Year!  



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