Celebrating our Veterans

Yesterday, our nation observed Veteran's Day. Veteran's Day is a time to express our gratitude those who have served honorably in our military forces. We thank all our veterans everywhere for their service, sacrifice and dedication.

We want to especially acknowledge the veterans of our United States military forces among our JCCP/CBT family. Last night we took the opportunity to honor them at our evening minyan. Jews have fought for the United States since the Revolutionary War. We can be proud of the military service of patriotic Jewish men and women who have answered their nation's call for four centuries.

This Shabbat, I want to share with you the prayer for our military personnel that we recite in our congregation each year on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. This prayer was written by Rabbi Gerald Skolnik of the Forest Hills Jewish Center and his son in law, Rabbi Yonatan Warren.

You may recall that Rabbi Warren served as our Rabbinic intern in 2009-2010. He is currently a serving our nation as a Chaplain (with the rank of Lieutenant Commander) in the United States Navy.



Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik, Forest Hills Jewish Center

Rabbi Yonatan M. Warren, LCDR CHC USN


Ribbono Shel Olam! Sovereign of the Universe!

We invoke the full bounty of your blessings upon the members of our American military forces, those brave men and women whose courage and commitment to that for which this country stands protects us all.

Whether stationed here at home, or deployed by air, land or sea to wherever their orders take them around the world, so often in harm’s way, we ask, dear God, that they be protected within your sheltering presence. Shield them from harm and from pain, assuage their loneliness, and sustain their faith in the face of the formidable enemies that they confront on a daily basis. May all their efforts be crowned with victory, and the assurance that we who depend on their courage appreciate and understand the great difficulty of their work.

Most of all, we pray what is our heartfelt hope for all military personnel that they be privileged to return to the arms of their loved ones and a grateful country safely, speedily, and in good health. In Your mercy, be with those who await the return of their deployed service members.

May our beloved country tend to their emotional and physical well-being long after their active service has been completed, and may they never feel forgotten by those whose liberty they have so steadfastly defended. Because of their courage, may we all be privileged to know and savor the blessings of true peace and security. Amen


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