A Bitter Anniversary

Yesterday, our nation observed a bitter anniversary, marking the riots and attacks at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt called the attack on Pearl Harbor "a day of infamy." I wonder what future generations will call this terrible moment in our nation's history?

President Biden may have said it best yesterday when in an address to the nation, he said about the people who took part in the riots "they weren't looking to uphold the will of the people, they were looking to deny the will of the people". That should frighten us. The events of January 6, 2021 were a direct assault on our great American democratic institutions. Everyone who cares about the them needs to understand the threats that challenge them, and our responsibility to defend them. Future generations will not forgive us if we fail.

This Shabbat, I do not want to repeat what others may have said yesterday. There are many voices superior to mine that will offer analysis, context and opinions about what occurred, what it means, and what we must do. But I do want to offer a perspective for American Jews as we consider the meaning of the insurrection. The true test of our patriotism is not only about learning from last year's riots, but preventing the next attack. As I shared with the congregation last year on the High Holidays, American Jews must understand and appreciate as never before that American democracy is the most underappreciated, yet at the same time the most powerful force shaping American Jewish life, and the safety and freedom of American Jews. Good governance, fair elections, a free press, non-partisan courts of law, and a military under the control of a freely elected civilian government are essential for American Jewry to not only survive, but to thrive and allow future generations the confidence that they will have a place in this great nation as did their parents and grandparents. As the great Jewish thinker Dr. Yehuda Kurtzer wrote, "There is no American Jewish wealth without American democracy, no American Jewish future without that same democracy."  We have a powerful self-interest as Jews, and as proud Americans who love this country and are committed to its future to do everything in our power to safeguard it, and the institutions that preserve it.

And, I might add, there will be no security for Israel without a safe, strong and democratic America either.

Every Shabbat, we pray in the synagogue "May citizens of all races and creeds forge a common bond in true harmony to banish hatred and bigotry and to safeguard the ideals and free institutions that are the pride and glory of our country."  Those words are a prayer, but also a responsibility. January 6, 2021 was an assault against the ideals and free institutions that make America the greatest nation in the world, and created the most free and secure diaspora Jewish community that has ever existed. We must support all efforts to prosecute and punish everyone and anyone involved in the attacks on our nation, and rededicate ourselves to our nation's fundamental purpose. Only by doing so will we right the wrongs that bitter day exposed, and guarantee a secure future for all who love this nation.


  1. Dear Rabbi Weiner,
    I too "wonder what future generations will call this terrible moment in our nation's history?" (the riots of Jan.6). It was not an insurrection, if one wants to follow the legal definition of the term. No matter how one feels that they are using the term, it does not change the fact, riots took place, not an insurrection. If one repeats a lie big enough and often enough, there will be many who will believe and repeat it. Those seeking to pursue the advancement of their political ideologies will continue to portray the riots as an "insurrection". I don't believe that you fall within this category, but you put "winds in the sails" of those who do. The primary purpose of those, not all, who marched on the Capitol was to halt the validation of the Electoral College vote because of the illegal irregularities in the balloting of many states. The postponing of the validation of Electoral College ballots is legal.
    As you wrote, "Biden may have said it best yesterday" when he stated, "they weren't looking to uphold the will of the people, they were looking to deny the will of the people." I believe that the opposite is true. A dishonest election is not the will of the people, it is the will of the political machines. If Election Laws are not followed, the election is not honest. Biden "did say it best" if one wants to validate his political agenda and deny why many were demonstrating. Many were there to urge members of Congress to halt the Electoral College vote until the conduct and the way that balloting took place in many key states were investigated. They believed that the decisions made in several states by members of their Executive Branches were illegal and should not have taken place. There have been many irregularities reported, concerning the ballots, their security, the conduct of those safeguarding and counting them and the ballot machines.
    I agree with your words that, "The true test of our patriotism is not only about learning from last year's riots, but preventing the next attack." I don't believe that we will ever learn what went on in last year's riots via the current Congressional Investigation Committee. It was set up and is operating in violation of the law. It is an illegal group set up and organized by Speaker Pelosi, the Biden Administration and those seeking to demonize former President Trump. We could learn from an honestly and legally organized committee. This is something that Biden and his Administration do not want. Some of the more vocal and visible instigators of the Capitol invasion are not even being pursued. One was identified and placed on an FBI Wanted List. He was removed and he travels a free and non-pursued man. Were there government agents, working for and with the government before, during and after the riots? Why communications between Speaker Pelosi, the D.C. Mayor, the Congressional Sgt. at Arms, the D.C. Police, the FBI and others involved in maintaining law and order being kept secret? This information is not being provided to members of Congress who asked to see them as part of their responsibilities.
    "Good governance, fair elections, a free press, non-partisan courts and a military ( to which I add, a military apolitical, free of partisan interference) are essential to our democracy", from your message from last year's HH. I don't believe that there are parts of our nation where some of these exist.
    Hopefully in 2022 we will return to the nation we once were. A nation no longer facing divisions due to equity, racial privilege and "CRT". A nation with D.A.s willing to protect the law abiding citizen, police officers looking forward to being able to uphold the law as they once did, instead of counting their days until retirement. A media returning to journalism not promoting opinion as fact. A return to reporting what actually happened at the Capitol, not repeating lies as fact. One can always dream!
    Howard j. Cohn


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